James Cheeseman

James Cheeseman FICS ACIArb
Director of Summer Street Consultancy Services Ltd.
James Cheeseman founded Summer Street Consultancy Services Ltd. in 2005, prior to which he worked for an oil major (since 1973) initially in oil marketing in the UK and subsequently (since 1978) in the international shipping department. During this time, James spent six years on secondment to a joint venture company with a Middle East state owned tanker company.
He has extensive experience in the industry involved with owned, time and voyage chartered fleets. Roles have encompassed chartering, operations, commercial performance and managing the operational interface of oil trading and refining with shipping.
James has delivered market research, analysis, reports and forecasts. He has provided consultancy support with the development of project studies, business solutions and financial analysis and participated in projects such as e-commerce strategies fleet replacement strategies and finance options. He has, also, contributed to the development of business strategies and strategy communications through publications and videos.
James is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. His clients include Oil Majors, Ship Owners, Commodity Traders and Industry Bodies. He lectures on a number of maritime subjects for METL.