Karina Albers

Karina Albers
algeny - maritime consulting
Consultancy and expert witness services for charter market rates, OTC commodity derivative trading
and broking and commercial risk management of dry and gas charter rates, fertiliser, freight
derivatives (FFAs), container swaps, coal and iron ore derivatives including options as well as OTC
electronic trading platforms, clearing and settlement.
Member of the Baltic Exchange, the GMAA, the Expert Witness Institute, aspiring member of the
LMAA and Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Nationality: German Languages: English and German
Karina Albers has extensive experience in the charter market, commodity & derivative markets for
shipping, fertiliser and in energy. She has played a leading role in building the freight derivatives
industry since 1997. Before establishing her own consulting business, Ms Albers spent three years
heading the ship broking division of the German shipowner Ernst Russ GmbH & Co KG in Hamburg.
Prior to that she spent three years in Brussels with Yara Belgium S.A. setting up their fertiliser
derivative trading operation as well as being in charge of their fleet of LPG carriers.
Drawing on her exhaustive hands-on experience in front offices, Albers’ consulting business
provides business development, risk management and strategy support for companies eager to
develop their fertiliser, container, freight and commodity trading activities as well as training
seminars in those fields.
Core expertise is building, restructuring and leading business units in broking, trading and
commercial risk management of dry and gas freight, fertiliser and container products as well as
bringing OTC commodities onto electronic trading platforms providing wide-ranging know how in
suitable trading technology and regulatory compliance and clearing houses.
She lectures for METL on FFAs and other shipbroking techniques.
2011 The Cleartrade Exchange (UK) Ltd, London Market Development Director
Product development and launch which include liaisons and negotiations with clearing houses and index
providers with special focus on iron ore
2006-2008 Ernst Russ GmbH & Co KG Hamburg.
Director Chartering and Sale&Purchase: led the broking division into the future including setting up a freight derivatives department
2002-2005 Yara Belgium S.A.
Special Projects Manager, Derivative and Chartering Manager
integrate swap trading into Ammonia Trade & Shipping
Overall responsibility for employing the in house LPG fleet as well as covering additional shipping needs
1999-2002 Ifchor S.A., Lausanne
Freight Derivative Account Manager
Managing the freight derivative portfolio of semi-exclusive and exclusive clients
1997-1998 Howe Robinson and Co. Ltd, London
Freight Derivative Account Manager
Developing market for Forward Freight Agreements
1995-1997 J.E. Hyde&Co. Ltd., Shipbrokers, London
Dry Freight Account Manager
Managing a portfolio of semi-exclusive clients involved in the ownership/chartering of dry cargo ships.